About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Sep 29, 2007

hmm.. juz came back from mos this morning.. went with a few of my army friends.. let's see.. few mths back we were still recruits.. & now the few of us r cadets in our pro term.. time flies..

arh.. damn tired now.. was knocked out totally when i came back.. guess i've got a weak endurance for liquor.. gonna charlie mike soon.. another gathering with sec sch friends soon.. haha.. but i'm sure it'll b fun..

Sep 27, 2007

yay.. finally got my 3 bars.. but the routemarch was hell.. 23 klick seemed like 32 klick.. shag..

hmm.. reporting to arty camp nxt mon.. no more infantry life.. but now feeling abit lost.. donno wat to expect in this new vocation.. also miss my platoon back at bravo.. sad sia.. anw gotta enjoy this long wkend.. b4 heading brunei for ex lancer nxt wed...

Sep 22, 2007

arh!! shagged out!! accumulated fatigue from the sleepless nites in ex spade to the few pathetic hrs of rest during duty str after the fieldcamp.. worse still.. was expecting ytd's social nite to b fun.. ended up with utter disappointment.. wat a wk!!

hmm.. svc term coming to an end le.. getting my 3 bars nxt wk.. after which will b going arty for pro term.. guess dat'll b a fresh start...

Sep 15, 2007

yay.. finally.. after all the routemarch & livefiring.. a long wkend for this wk..

let's see.. went out with hy kx bld yesterday.. been a few mths since we meet up.. after hearing much from them.. uni life seems tough to me.. hey buddies.. gd luck & all the best!!

ehh.. then went bugis with jh today.. to get stuff for social nite this coming fri.. damn happy everythg's settled.. thks for ur help bro!!

hmm.. juz a short post for this wk.. got to go study for tactics test le.. Zzz...

Sep 8, 2007

yay.. another wk down.. 3 more wks to the end of svc term.. time flies sia..

ehh.. had platoon fieldcamp this wk.. damn shack.. i was the runner in the platoon deliberate attack.. got scolded by my pc in the end for being a fucked-up runner.. say i zo bo lan.. quite pissed off by wat he said.. made me feel so useless.. but wat he expect me to do when no instructions were given to me during the attack.. and i did my job by carrying dat stupid signal set all the way up dat 85m knoll.. kao..

hmm.. quite a slack wk other than the fieldcamp.. had alot of admin time.. eg today was damn relax.. after coming back from breakfast i went back to slp.. then wake up to read manga.. after lunch slp again.. listen to music.. eat snacks & stuff.. how i wish everyday's like this..

arh.. cadets from 2 batches back commissioned today.. was watching their parade.. damn gao wei.. coz there's still 6 more mths.. b4 my turn comes.. Zzz...