About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Feb 7, 2007

hmm.. another day ending soon.. my job as a restocker ended yesterday so today slacked.. the job quite rubbish sia, nothing much u can learn.. but the pay wasnt dat bad.. (kao!! my friend juz work an hr on one of the days and got the usual 50 bucks.. feel like wacking him sia!! no la juz joking.. i very good to my friends one leh..)

ehh.. didnt do much today.. went swimming & realised how weak my stamina is.. getting from bad to worse from time to time.. didnt bother to go running and train up.. (coz running alone is really really damn sian, then after running still have to crawl all the way home..) think go ns gonna suffer big time.. dont care la, go ns & cry then..

sian.. cny coming sia.. and my parents r getting a little bit overexcited i suppose.. donno buy so much decorations for wat.. 2 hrs ago they started hanging stuff all over the place.. 4 pineapples now hanging in the living rm.. see already wanna laugh.. donno wat happened in the recent yrs coz they dont really do this in the past.. maybe when pple age the way they think changes.. but looking at the way my parents change, it's just weird.. but wat to do? maybe i'll start praying.. pray they dont start hanging stuff during the seventh month sia..

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