About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Mar 2, 2007

so much happened today..

eventually.. 笑也不是哭也不是.. got really fed up.. not blaming anyone or anythg.. juz angry with myself.. i've always believed dat a friend should b there for u in times of need.. i was there.. but it seems my presence equates my absence.. 只能怪自己没用..
i will nv forget today.. the day i felt so useless.. the day i felt so guilty..

why must things turn out this way..

got the feeling dat things will nv b the same again...

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