About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

May 18, 2007

yeh!! finally.. home sweet home..

ehh.. main event of the 2-wk confinement was field camp.. basically it sucked.. dont really like it sia.. here's a summary of wat happened during the 6-day-5-night of.. erm.. shit..

day 1 - 8 klick routemarch.. wanna give up de.. was seriously lagging behind during the last 2 klick.. sian.. then build basha dig drainage.. siao one.. almost fainted.. too tiring le lah..

day 2 - group combat training.. everythg's fine when sgt jeremy's taking us.. wait till sgt ruthra took over.. kao.. he said field camp will b tiring but fun.. wtf!! fun?? think he's trying to b funny.. hmm.. also.. i misfired a blank.. kanna guard duty.. but donno ask mi & glen guard ammo point for wat.. as if pple will go to dat 鸡不拉屎鸟不生蛋 kinda place juz to steal ur blanks lah..

day 3 - chosen to do sai-gkang.. wasted whole day doing sai!!

day 4 - dig trench in the rain.. like digging ur own grave lidat.. then u get to slp in it for 2 days.. completed it in 4 hrs.. fatigue!! not to forget.. we had our technical break.. really appreciated the fresh rations from cookhse..

day 5 - urban training.. most enjoyable part of fieldcamp i guess..

day 6 - b i c .. get to leopard crawl & back crawl to overcome obstacles.. not too bad..

hmm.. let's see.. got a chance to b platoon ic for 6 days including one day at field camp.. damn stressful.. not easy sia.. esp at fieldcamp when commanders started to guailan.. but honestly.. felt dat i've exp & learned somethg new.. so at the end of the day.. it wasnt dat bad after all.. not to forget.. wanna apologise to m2 coz i knew i screwed up many times.. but they remained cooperative & supportive.. thanks alot guys.. & i'll like to say dat i'm honoured not becoz i was a platoon ic.. but becoz i was the platoon ic of m2...