About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Aug 8, 2007

arh.. juz bk out ard 2 hrs ago.. then have to bk in at 1930 tmr.. damn sian..

let's see.. sect livefiring on mon was somethg worth remembering.. there was one fire movement my sect did which was damn zai.. nothing to pick on i guess.. quick movement.. with momentum.. wah.. amazing sia.. and i was the sect comd.. sense of achievement sia.. haha..

ehh.. needed to make a choice between arty or infantry for pro term ytd.. tough decision sia.. infantry pride or slack army life.. finally decided on arty.. coz if i manage to get to arty guess life will become much better.. more time for family & friends.. somethg valuable which i'm seriously lacking rite now...

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