About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Oct 26, 2007

arh.. pissed off sia.. 3 hrs of standby area/ bed/ fieldpk earlier today.. in the name of discipline.. i dont deny the fact dat standardising our stuff shows some degree of discipline.. but there's a fine line between instilling discipline and asking too much.. cross it & u're being unreasonable.. doesnt packing our stuff correctly & neatly satisfy the rationale of making fieldpk items practical & accessible?? is there really a need to standardise perfectly the way clothes have to b folded/ the positions accessories have to b placed etc?? it's not as if soldiers entering the battlefield with standardised fieldpks stand higher chances of winning the war..

hmm.. so many doubts.. so many qns.. i really wonder...

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