About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Oct 12, 2007

wah.. finally.. back from lakiun camp in brunei.. was a tiring 3-day training followed by the supposedly 3-day 2-night ex mountain rat (my team took 5 days 4 nights) and eventually a day of r & r (rest & recreation which was a waste of time i guess) ..

ehh.. this overseas training really shagged us out.. rest was inadequate.. we even had 2 change parades during the training period.. wat to do.. juz have to accept it..

hmm.. let's talk about the highlight ex mountain rat.. it's basically a navigatn ex.. first to find checkpoints followed by navi thru mt biang and lastly a combat swim.. thgs were interesting in a way.. lots of first-time exp eg got to see a real-life scorpion which was damn cool/ able to taste the freshness of streamwater/ even had the chance to experience the thrill of being chased by bees.. and not forgetting the defining moment on top of mt biang- the freezing wind during midnite rainpour forced 6 of us to cuddle up to keep ourselves alive.. but honestly the ex was really a fatigue-imposer.. and it was the fear of guilt & regrets which pushed me on.. till the very end..

hmm.. wkend's here again.. gonna b another r & r (rest & recover) for me...

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