About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Dec 14, 2007

hmm.. a day i doubt i will forget.. and here's a summary of wat happened earlier on:

while having our standby-bed before bk out..

all, "fall in now"

upon falling in..

major loy, "all of u knock it down" (then he started talking abt now being the end of common phase and we still dont know the need to kiwi our boots after outfield exercises..)

major loy, "recover.. those taking soc tmr fall out one side" (no one has a good feeling abt this.. thinking back the change parade we had back in brunei..)

major loy, "knock it down!" (once again.. down on 4 limbs..)

major loy, "i have a list of names here.. some pple & instructors complain abt them"

after which 7 cadets were called out including me.. and one by one we were questioned abt wat we did to deserve complaints.. maybe it's attitude problem.. maybe it's falling aslp during lessons.. none had any idea..

major loy, "the rest recover" (with lightning speed the rest fall in..)

major loy, "while we wait for instructors to come & clarify.. do anyone of u (the rest of the cadets) know wat these pple did?"

few guesses came up.. but none was right.. until..

cadet (whom i forget who he was), "because they did not tell the course their birthday"

and dat solved the mystery.. then there came a bdae cake & a bdae song for the dec babies..

hmm.. somethg memorable i guess.. having army friends celebrating ur bdae.. a surprise at a time least expected...

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