About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Mar 24, 2007

ehh.. went to eat sakae buffet this afternn with a bunch of good friends.. let's see.. havent eaten so much for a long time.. but think we eat until abit siao.. thought desert was the last dish.. but after dat still order udon somemore.. lucky small bowl sia.. or else think have to stuff the remaining udon into our pockets & smuggle them out.. if not must pay for wastage leh..

then came up my house.. expected it to b like old times when playing was the highlight.. but it seems things have changed.. now i understand why when jl pl xl came up we couldnt find anythg to do.. ended up chatting.. with shufen zhenting around damn fun sia.. can juz sit down there and listen to them tell stories.. then laugh until bueh tahan..

bought a glass cabinet today sia.. use it to display my figurines.. pretty empty now.. but someday gonna fill it up.. then gradually turn my room into an exhibition hall.. wah.. my dream sia.. but think by then need alot more space.. so should juz kick my bro out of the room someday.. haha.. btw the dragon figurine & toushiro plush make an amazing combi.. like it lots (think it's shufen's idea to put them tgt.. so thks sia) ..

really had alot of fun today.. many thanks to u all.. once again i'm offering my kisses thru my blog.. muacks.. haha..

running & running
to find u
to find the words to say to u
to find the bond that connects us
we keep running & running

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