About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Feb 16, 2007

ahh.. had a lot of fun today sia.. went swimming with pl this morning.. didnt really swim actually.. juz float around the pool and talk cock.. talk until tio sunburn.. sian..
then danny called all of a sudden, the moment i stepped into the changing room.. donno is he lucky or i unlucky to pick up his call.. reminded me to go cafeconnect tmr.. sian.. i wanna stay at bistro.. wouldnt get hungry there.. can talk to friends somemore.. but danny also very cham, almost every wk train new parttimers.. dont care la.. he not wking tmr anyway.. juz stick my butt at boxbistro tmr.. or hang on to micheal if charles attempt to kick me up again.. dat si angmoh.. curse him to fall & roll like a ball.. after dat i go kick.. then can play soccer with jl at bistro.. (jiale bro.. so paiseh.. u so good sometimes ask me go play soccer.. but i dont go one.. coz i too noob le la.. really if u see the way i kick the ball think u will laugh till u cry.. give me ten yrs to train also wont make a diff.. super untalented..)

ehh.. after swim was time for sushi.. thought after swim can eat alot one.. pl still eat so little.. anyway the sushi not bad sia.. someday gonna bring my mum there.. and ask her to treat me.. donno how many yrs she never cook le.. 家常便饭 is somethg so rare for me.. worse still.. reunion dinner not cooking also.. and thought she will make an exception today.. asked her cook greenbean soup she said ok.. early in the morning saw the greenbeans on the table.. so happy.. go out come back in the evening still on the table.. nothing to say liao.. dont even bother to ask when she will cook the greenbean soup.. kao..

hmm.. after sushi went chinatown sq central.. saw a figurine i wanna buy.. but 129 bucks leh.. buy le later heartpain.. then can cry whole nite.. then after dat will continue with my emoshit again.. haha..
after dat walk walk at chinatown.. sian.. today was the first time i took a walk there after so many yrs.. and i suppose it's the last time too.. got nothing want wat.. donno why so many pple like to go squeeze there.. squeeze until so happy somemore.. siao..

then went back to tamp.. walked aimlessly up century sq.. donno wat happened but i blurted out the words 'take neoprint'.. haha think i siao liao.. but we went ahead since we had time.. liked the queen of hearts sia.. (dat was the best shot.. the others i look abit kuku leh.. esp the first two.. sian..)

really enjoyed the day.. many thx to my good friend pl...

cherish the friends that you have coz you never know
when they will be the only ones there for you

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