About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Mar 31, 2007

hmm.. went out with clarice yesterday.. to watch 'because i said so'.. think it was juz an average movie ba.. ended the day with a neoprint.. (the decoration part was hell sia!! and i mean it!!) ..

received present from clarice for last yr's bdae.. (though it was few mths late.. haha.. but guess i've got no right to complain.. coz i didnt give her anythg last yr.. thinking of it makes me guilty sia.. nvm la.. this yr then give..) she made everythg herself.. touched sia.. the book.. the card.. the note.. they r simply.. too amazing.. and this is the second time i got stunned by her bdae present.. so much efforts.. so much love (for a friend la.. EHHH!!) .. thanks alot.. really..

then went clubbing with some of my class pple at nite.. my first time sia.. went to zouk.. hmm.. doubt i wanna go into the details.. but one thing for sure.. dancing isnt for me.. i dance like kuku.. in fact the kuku-est among the kukus i guess.. sian.. but had fun.. thanks guys..

went chinatown with sf & zt today.. really had a good time crapping & chatting.. went hunting for figurines.. now i have 3 dragons in my collection.. so happy sia...

i'll be there
i'll be your shoulder to cry on
i'll be there
i'll be a friend to rely on

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