About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Apr 6, 2007

hmm.. today's not a lucky day i guess.. early in the morning kana woke up to go grandma's house.. some war going on over there.. quarrels & some fighting actions (between my uncle with his bare hands and my grandma with her 'magicclean' polearm.. hmm.. but think my bro & i the best.. we once used kunai.. metal one.. a classical shinobi battle.. without any jutsu though.. or else i'll b using neji's hakkeshou rokujuu yonshou.. 8 trigrams 2 palms 4 palms 8 palms 16 palms 32 plams 8 trigrams 64 palms.. haha.. comes from naruto ultimate ninja.. the game's a big joke.. think EHHH!!! comes from there too.. nostalgic sia.. cant stop laughing.. but seriously.. dat's the fiercest we've fought since the day i was born..) .. this wasnt the first time le.. my grandma got injured this time round.. kao.. so much problems going on.. and now my grandma's staying at my hse.. things had gotten really serious & out of control..

wah.. today go toilet also damn suay.. had a stomachache earlier.. and before i got a chance to sit on the toilet bowl.. i slipped the whole toilet roll right into the toilet bowl.. kao.. irritating sia..

ehh.. juz read weiss' blog and found out 2/3 of the class went for dinner yesterday.. that's alot of pple actually.. but i didnt turn up.. guilty sia.. also had a gathering yesterday morning for some nyjc event.. i also didnt go & show my face.. was damn tired and overslept.. then dont feel like going le.. wah.. double dose of guilt.. sorry guys..

hmm.. think i go chiong desperate housewives season 1 now.. bought it today.. plus a few more dvds & vcds.. so dat means another hundred bucks slashed off my account.. found out dat ever since i started wking i had this 'u see u want u buy.. without second thoughts' kinda habit.. or perhaps i'll like to call it disease.. juz cant resist temptations.. condition worsening by the second.. so i guess i'll have to slice & dice my posb card to save myself (success rate of mi doing it.. zero percent!!) ..

kk.. 58 more hrs to go.. will b back after the 2 wks confinement.. if i can make it back that is (coz i very weak/vulnerable one.. go there kana f i'll cry.. ask mi run i'll die.. so have to try and stay alive i guess..) ...

to carry on

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