About Me

a lost soul who used to daydream. to detach himself from this world. to a land of infinite possibilities. unbounded by time, matter & space. but at the end of the day. he accepted the fact that it's a world of reality he's living in. and now. he moved on...

Mar 31, 2007

hmm.. went out with clarice yesterday.. to watch 'because i said so'.. think it was juz an average movie ba.. ended the day with a neoprint.. (the decoration part was hell sia!! and i mean it!!) ..

received present from clarice for last yr's bdae.. (though it was few mths late.. haha.. but guess i've got no right to complain.. coz i didnt give her anythg last yr.. thinking of it makes me guilty sia.. nvm la.. this yr then give..) she made everythg herself.. touched sia.. the book.. the card.. the note.. they r simply.. too amazing.. and this is the second time i got stunned by her bdae present.. so much efforts.. so much love (for a friend la.. EHHH!!) .. thanks alot.. really..

then went clubbing with some of my class pple at nite.. my first time sia.. went to zouk.. hmm.. doubt i wanna go into the details.. but one thing for sure.. dancing isnt for me.. i dance like kuku.. in fact the kuku-est among the kukus i guess.. sian.. but had fun.. thanks guys..

went chinatown with sf & zt today.. really had a good time crapping & chatting.. went hunting for figurines.. now i have 3 dragons in my collection.. so happy sia...

i'll be there
i'll be your shoulder to cry on
i'll be there
i'll be a friend to rely on

Mar 30, 2007

hmm.. will b busy meeting up with friends these two days.. think will b fun..

slept alot recently.. it's either waking up at 2 pm or waking up at 9 am followed by a 5-hr afternn nap.. donno how to tahan in ns.. imagine waking up at 5 in the morning.. can die..

think i getting abit crazy over bleach.. it's not somethg good sia.. coz dat means i'll b spending more money on figurines.. went chinatown on wed to search for a cheaper toushiro.. then dont have.. damn sad sia.. hence the cheapest i've seen is 210 bucks.. (hmm.. jl said i mad when i told him about toushiro.. actually quite true.. buy already only put inside cabinet collect dust.. aiya see first.. still in the midst of finding cheaper ones.. then he told mi becoz demand too little dat's why so ex.. i argued it's supply too little.. then he ask mi go plot graph.. and i did.. haha.. joking.. was climbing up eos tower at dat time.. play maple halfway talk about econs.. EHHH..) ...

Mar 26, 2007

wah.. exactly 2 more wks then go ns le.. fast sia.. did some thinking.. and made a decision.. gonna take bmt seriously.. wanna train up sia.. train until got strong arms strong legs & big boobs (opps.. wrong vocab used.. i mean big chest.. cant help.. got distracted by the comic below.. found it amusing..) .. (imagining myself to b toushiro.. hehhehheh!! no lah.. joking only.. if i'm really him donno wanna laugh or cry.. have ur head 'giap' by u-know-wat.. like sandwich lidat.. haha..) ...

Mar 24, 2007

ehh.. went to eat sakae buffet this afternn with a bunch of good friends.. let's see.. havent eaten so much for a long time.. but think we eat until abit siao.. thought desert was the last dish.. but after dat still order udon somemore.. lucky small bowl sia.. or else think have to stuff the remaining udon into our pockets & smuggle them out.. if not must pay for wastage leh..

then came up my house.. expected it to b like old times when playing was the highlight.. but it seems things have changed.. now i understand why when jl pl xl came up we couldnt find anythg to do.. ended up chatting.. with shufen zhenting around damn fun sia.. can juz sit down there and listen to them tell stories.. then laugh until bueh tahan..

bought a glass cabinet today sia.. use it to display my figurines.. pretty empty now.. but someday gonna fill it up.. then gradually turn my room into an exhibition hall.. wah.. my dream sia.. but think by then need alot more space.. so should juz kick my bro out of the room someday.. haha.. btw the dragon figurine & toushiro plush make an amazing combi.. like it lots (think it's shufen's idea to put them tgt.. so thks sia) ..

really had alot of fun today.. many thanks to u all.. once again i'm offering my kisses thru my blog.. muacks.. haha..

running & running
to find u
to find the words to say to u
to find the bond that connects us
we keep running & running

Mar 21, 2007

yay.. si angmoh not wking at courts anymore.. think he got the feeling boxbistro isnt going to last dats why zao first.. smart-ass sia.. but it doesnt matter anymore..
finally stop wking.. wanna slack before ns.. actually it was nice wking there.. with my friends.. they made it a memorable wking experience.. thanks.. & kisses if u all want.. haha..
wking there made mi kinda feel dat my efforts were appreciated.. thks to micheal & danny..

ehh.. went to submit punchcards with pl today.. on the way did some shopping.. saw toushiro hitsugaya figurine.. damn cool sia.. wanna buy.. but 200 bucks leh.. hmm.. dont care.. think juz buy lah..
had fun today sia.. except the fact dat cclia popped out all of a sudden to greet mi with a smack on the head.. wah kao.. cclia u siao arh!!!

Mar 15, 2007

ehh.. juz went dinner with my parents sia.. guess it's been mths since we had a meal tgt.. realised how detached from them i've become.. dont really spend time with them.. dont talk much to them either.. prefer talking to friends.. friends understand better.. hmm.. the word 'understand' reminds me of a quarrel with my mum few yrs back.. when she said somethg like '是我生你的, 我不了解你谁了解你'.. wanted to reply 屁啦 dat time.. but sure kanna slap one.. my brother tio slap before.. then think bleed.. scary leh.. so i diamdiam let her scold lo.. even now also.. dont bother to talk back when she starts her nagging/scolding session.. coz sometimes she really funny leh.. talk back she say i talk back.. ignore her then she say i very rude.. aiya think next time she angry with mi then i straightaway go hug her & say 妈妈, 对不起.. as if..

hmm.. found out dat my dad changed quite abit.. mainly the thgs he say ba i guess..
we went hgg mall's oto shop.. somethg wrong with some slimming equipment he bought.. then he went to ask for assistance.. actually everythg went well sia.. except the fact dat he started complaining about some other flaws before stepping out of the shop.. small things can complain so long.. his lecture to the salesman finally ended when my mum dragged him away..

then went foodcourt eat.. saw a lady with green hair.. den heard my dad say somethg like 只有丑的人会把头发染成这个样子.. wah.. i stun tio.. seldom hear him criticise pple until lidat.. think my dad buehsong her or somethg ba.. who knows.. maybe she suaysuay look like one of my dad's love rivals in the past.. or maybe my dad simply trying to b funny.. donno him la.. but dat's not all leh.. my dad also didnt let off dat person's friend standing beside her.. her friend quite plump sia.. so my dad said should let her use oto's flabélos.. shake her fats away.. then he added.. cannot.. later the machine cannot tahan.. when she stand on top the machine cant even shake la.. max can only last six mths then the machine confirm gonecase de.. then he stared at her again.. & shaked his head.. hmm.. think my dad abit bad sia.. but no leh.. most of the time he quite alright.. dont utter rubbish de.. ohh.. think maybe got split personality.. wish him well then...

Mar 12, 2007

ehh.. naruto shippuuden's out since wks ago.. naruto manga getting more & more interesting.. climaxes here and there.. cant stop watching.. but having to wait for the weekly release.. it's really damn sian..
not feeling well today sia.. dont feel like doing anythg the whole day.. so spent all the time reading bleach online manga.. quite nice sia.. think may start collecting bleach merchandise.. then become bankrupt again (already broke once last wk after spending 300 bucks on cloud & fenrir figurine, myth & legend collection, naruto figurines etc..) .. but dont care.. haha.. no point saving up all the money earned.. quite meaningless.. think will watch MÄR: Märchen Awakens Romance next.. seems nice sia..
anime & manga r currently a major part of my life.. so grateful to their existence.. providing ideas & thoughts to fantasize about.. when u try to escape from this world of harsh reality...

if i were the rain
could i connect to someone's heart
as the rain can unite
the eternally separated earth and sky

Mar 8, 2007

kao.. after spending time searching for a course (education in ntu) i wanna study.. now stuck with another problem.. donno wat dat kuku moe thinking.. want applicants to write an essay.. sounds more like ass-say to me.. think take a piece of paper & bullshit 500 words for them ba.. really wat.. how to write on a topic 'wat r some of the values & beliefs dat u hold strongly to? please provide eg of how u have demo these in ur actions'.. siao.. they think i've anchored some values & beliefs in my brain meh.. of course not la.. 做事情时跟着心去做 (think hanying said somethg like this before.. 想一想也对..) .. so dat's wat i've been doing lor.. so should i translate & write somethg like 'i believe that one should do wat his heart tells him to'.. no rite.. sounds kuku leh.. see already confirm void my application str away de.. hmm.. wanna fake somethg i also donno how.. coz i've got an innocent mind.. ehh joking only.. gotta start wasting time to think le.. damn..

ehh.. maybe not working anymore le.. enjoy the last mth before going ns ba.. go back work at cafeconnect still have to learn new stuff.. i lazy arh.. then still got internal conflict somemore.. sian..
maybe do a little bit of training for the time being.. havent run for mths sia.. later run one round around the track then k.o. le.. very diu lian one leh.. see first ba.. someday i'll start running.. someday...

Mar 4, 2007

ehh.. received an email with these attachments.. somethg to do with stupid answers to exam qns.. it's funny.. interesting in a way.. so decided to put them up.. think the one who sent was avril.. thanks alot..

Mar 2, 2007

so much happened today..

eventually.. 笑也不是哭也不是.. got really fed up.. not blaming anyone or anythg.. juz angry with myself.. i've always believed dat a friend should b there for u in times of need.. i was there.. but it seems my presence equates my absence.. 只能怪自己没用..
i will nv forget today.. the day i felt so useless.. the day i felt so guilty..

why must things turn out this way..

got the feeling dat things will nv b the same again...